The Numinous jewellery is inspired by the Rorschach inkblot test which informs the shapes of the amulets and pectorals. People perceive the world in different ways according to their personality and life experience, which is reflected in what they see in the inkblots. Therefore each amulet is unique to its wearer who attaches a personal interpretation and meaning to the shape. Some may carry these amulets for protection, to help them face their fears.

The word numinosum (adj. numinous) was given its present sense by the German theologian and philosopher Rudolf Otto in his book ’The Idea of Holy’ in 1917. He explains this word as a non-rational, non-sensory experience or feeling whose primary and immediate object is outside the self. A presence of awesome power and divinity.

Objects & jewellery: Michaela Barochova

Material: brass, thread

Technique: photoetching

Art direction: Michaela Barochova

Photography: Betty Huclova



NUMINOUS – silver
